The OSCEdays 2015 – My Resume – June 30, 2015


The Documentation of the global side of the first Open Source Circular Economy Days – OSCEdays – is published. And I think it is time for my own resume.

But I don’t have a clou …

How to have a resume for something so rich, diverse, complex and overflowing as the global OSCEdays? For example: All in all it has produced more documentation in text, video & pictures as I will ever be able to watch or read.

We created 25 live reports with cities, this is the one from Berlin.

I start to think about it and I try to remember all the things created: Our mission statement, the 2015 webpage and participation guide. Then all the calls with fantastic people from all over the world. The moment we came up with the READ ME documents for transparent and open organization (globally and locally), the forum and all the documentation we wrote there, our Open-Source-Video, the live reporting … i am by far not done and haven’t even started to mention all the great things that were built by the community using the OSCEdays infrastructure…This whole body and way more is the OSCEdays.

How to look back at all of this and put a resume on it, when the overall feeling of the whole thing expressed 100fold and strong was: „This is just the beginning!“ (Beautifully expressed for example here, here, here, here, here …) Everything now is really about looking into the future.

How to put a resume on something that is just a beginning?  . . .


“It is beautiful.”

I have one little resume though, that makes me a bit happy.

On monday the last day of the event when I left the venue in Berlin I met Pedro Jardim. Pedro is one of the founders of the Agora-Collective, he approached me and said: “Congratulations. It is beautiful.” I am not sure if this was just something to say that sounded cool and meaningful at the same time or if he really meant it – but either way, it resonates with me.

“It is beautiful.”

It touches me – as an artist. This has always been my favourite idea of beauty: Something wild, full of live and energy that is not fledged out and has an unpredictable future. Vibrant questions rather than a bunch of answers. And I am very happy and proud to be part of this.

Not calm!

So. Everything will go on, and more will happen. The discussion just opened. We have an area full of complex questions and problems in front of us. And i am really keen to work on them. I am not calm! Lets do something! :-)

(P s . But we need money to do something the work. Please send something ;-))


Some Impressions

I collected some impressions here for you. It is a very limited and of course subjective choice. More is at the documentation page on the OSCEdays website.


Jennis Design for the OSCEdays 2015 (CC-BY, – and Jenni made more beautiful designs.


Sams Map with all the 33 OSCEdays 2015 cities (CC-BY-SA) – Download Link


Sam and I created a video explaining to the community: What is Open Source. A quick shot. But the video does the job to some extend. Video-Credits

Kyle Wiens from iFixit was one of 4 international expert that sent over an inspiring video message to the OSCEdays community.

This is another video message. This one is from David Li from Shenzhen. I was very happy to have David on board also as the local organizer in Shenzhen. I also blogged about our first meeting in the OSCEdays blog.

There are so many reasons that Shenzhen could become one of the cradles of a global open source driven circular economy! One for proof: The OSCEdays Shenzhen even caught the attention of high government officials (including the mayor) and they joined the opening ceremony of the OSCEdays Shenzhen. In the images you can see the banners of the OSCEdays Shenzhen flying in the streets.



And here is the Opening-Sesssion with the people who started and build the global event with me. Erica Purvis, Sharon Prendeville, Timothee Gosselin, Sam Muirhead & Alice Audrey Grindhammer. (Public announcement of the session)

Naturally, as I was also the local organizer of the Berlin event this is also very close to me. We ended our 5 days here with a panel discussion where representatives of big companies (IBM, Coca Cola, Veolia, ALBA) met professors, politicians and representatives of the OSCEdays Community. Here is a video of it (the discussion is in german).

And the People . . .

It is impossible to express what a phantastic group of incredible people from all over the world came together for the OSCEdays to collaborate! This is what I always wanted for my live: Working with incredible people that truly inspire me! And with the OSCEdays this group was bigger then I ever could imagine.

Thanks for playing everybody!
