Science Hack Day – IPO-CC-Hack-Trigger
IPO tables project
IPO tables Creating Circles software
And part of this project is the idea of a simple software to document hardware, experiments and maker projects in a way, that makes it easier to reinvent them, compare, and organize close material cycles. It is tracking flows of materials and energy in a playful way. (Maybe produces new insights & possibilities as well as ideas, questions and motivations.)
To be developed further, experimented and played with on Science Hack Day 2014 (Sarah, Sebastian, Lars, + You ?)
Open PDF about the software idea
GitHub repository with first code
°(.’’‘.)° A hack-triggering tool
Because built in is the question for constant recreation and creative reuse of existing things. Explore new boarders – break limitation. This is what hacking is about – breaking limitations and creative reuse.
(What ever will support the development of a circular economy has to support hacking our environments J)
°(+.-)° It is „sciency“
Because in its heart ist he same communication method that beats in the heart of science and makes it powerful – Connectivity (german: Anschlussfähigkeit). (You can say, it is a creative reuse of this communication method.)
-|°-°|-´ Join
The project is open for you to join (regardeless your profession; for developers: it is java script – node.js.)
The prototype will be used and further developed also after SHD.
°(.o’o.)° Ask me
I am Lars, +49176 218 65 009;
°( . : . )°
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